FST Seminar
Fri, 30 Nov
|330 Sevenoaks St
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Time & Location
30 Nov 2018, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
330 Sevenoaks St, 330 Sevenoaks St, Cannington WA 6107, Australia
About the event
Keynote Speaker: Dr Claus T Christophersen, PhD
The role of fibre and types of fibre for a healthy gut and it's microbiome
Graham Mcalpine: “Securing our Food Future.”
Sustainable food production and supply chain initiatives that the Food Future WA initiative is pursuing for the State
Vanessa O’Brien: Coeliac WA
RefreshEd update
Jen Wheatley SCSA Curriculum update . The EST task and 7-10 update
To Register: